Monday, November 15, 2010

Historical Seasons are a passin' in America del Norte

Seasons coming and going.
All things go.

Season of chaos.
Season of discord.
Season of confusion.
Season of bureaucracy.
Season of aftermath.
In this last season we might find ourselves here in America del Norte, wherein the brothers What Can I do, What we did yesterday, and his ugly and vicious sister Get Them Before They Get Us somehow try to relate to each other and everyone else of course.
Advances in technology and science might lead to a so called better life, but the age old question of sustainability (and collapse and fall of those who fail to do so) remains and consequently NIMBY (not in my backyard) is often the answer to this question. In other words, advancement and constant growth is fine, forget about it, just take the extra necessary materials from the other.
For once we have more or less established our dominance, what else is there to do? Wait and maintain forever? Would those die-hard Americans really want to live life after life in the same country with the same empire and lifestyle, assuming reincarnation? Aren't things more beautiful when they pass and never return, or simply change form?

Once we remember just how wonderful it can be to really live and let die, without country, without a state, without schedules, will we simply yearn to return to stability and modernity again? Are we forever stuck in regression?

Source of historical theory: The Illuminatus! Trilogy, Robert Shea and Robert Anton Wilson

Thursday, November 4, 2010


A soothsayer. Un Prophet. A Dude who is really, REALLY good at manipulating women.
And he had a super big dong.

What if Rasputin wasn't born in 1869 but born in 1985? What if he didn't live in Russia but he had lived New Jersey?

Instead of honing his bullshit gravitas and boning fine noble wenches he would be honing his bullshit gravitas and boning coked up, tanned biddie-monsters. Well, I suppose that aspect wouldn't change all that much.

BUT WAIT! Instead of developing his unmistakable persona while climbing his way up the ranks and pushing his way into larger and larger influential circles in the Russian aristocracy he'd be developing an alpha-male syndrome all the while clobbering beta-males out of his way while attaining a cult like status in the night clubs thus earning the title role in his very own reality show. Hmmm, let me try this again.

BUT OF COURSE! Instead of using his connections within the aristocracy to gain a private audience with ze royal fucking family and charming his way into the pantaloons of Tzaritas everywhere he'd be gaining infinite popularity on the web after the video of Rashpukin (as he is affectionately known by his cultish fans) dropping kicking a midget down a flight of stairs into a baby pool full of jello shots goes viral which would in turn earn him a "private audience" with the everdrunk Bush twinitas. Wait, if I get just one more chance at this....

A-HA WHAT ABOUT THIS! Instead of using his King Kong Dong to subdue the female royalty and using his new found status to influence even the Tzar himself into leading charges into battle himself (although that fuck was an outhouse of a commander) he'd be using his jaggerbomb fueled, fist-a-pumping, twirl-a-donging abilities to get ze twinitas to introduce him to G.W. Bush which in turn would be used to convince the feeble texan mousemouse to brand himself the "decider" and in turn would thrust us into the global war on terror. But.....Wait....

WTF! Rasputin(Rashpukin) is timeless.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Combat the Illuminati with the Invisible College and you Apocalypse Plan

The Illuminati are everywhere...
They can be seen in Bush families' alleged buy-up of one of the world's biggest aquifers in Paraguay...
Which by the interesting...if such an apocalyptic situation were to cause the ex-pres' family to make such a move, would pieces of colored paper be enough to bribe their armed security that protecting them was imperative? Or would they just overthrow them and hold down the fort?
Anyways, yes, the Illuminati are everywhere, and their plan is to enslave and oppress all of humanity in order to achieve a higher level of consciousness, so watch out, December 2012 is only the beginning to their exploitations of fear and power...

And so, in order to combat such evil, you need to the INVISIBLE COLLEGE! Yes, for three payments of philosophical cosmovisions you can join us and hopefully be illuminated enough to...well I'm unsure exactly how you will use the Invisible college to combat the Illuminati, but just join anyways, it's invisible, so you can be anywhere in the world and join it, in fact, it's a lot like the internet, or, maybe it is the internet, I don't know.

Anyways, you need to start stockpiling, gathering maps, water filters, ramen soup, weapons, potential zombie killing tools, plenty of oil for your car, deodorant, soap, maybe some beers, a trusty set of friends which you would be capable of killing if they turned on you in a second (whether from zombiemorphism or other related treachery) and have a good idea of how to distance yourself as much as possible from highly populated urban centers once the signs start manifesting themselves...

oil running out
the outbreak of World War III
an accumulation of too many natural disasters
the fall of NATO and other large trade agreements\alliances
wars over water and fertile land
3rd world and anyworld countries defaulting ie saying forget you with loans and debts
Atlas shrugging, i.e. too many hippies not adding to the GDP of countries
John Smith shrugging, i.e. too many stiffs working so much that they never realize what is happening around them.
other related events.

You could always just buy your plane ticket where might you ask? Madagascar? Djibouti? Kazakhstan? whatever...just go...

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Geographical presents!

Africa, in its past, need not have an intangible God. God existed and was quite clear that it would give and take away. Whether by oral tradition or by experience itself, people must have understood this.

Whether it was drought, floods, famine, disease, or the local predator, the written word was not needed to understand that: humans were just as dispensable and could die just like anything else, essentially we were not as important; God gives with the earth, the soil, the sun, and the rain, in fact God seems to be these things; God takes away with the destructive forces; and that is that.

Humans moved in search of better land or out of need. Eventually, the Middle East, incredible fertile lands, and a different geographic location gives a different “spin” on life. Suddenly, God seems to give more.

God continues to be found in the sun, in the cycle of the harvest, in the destructive force of nature, in the same old things, however, man now has an improved view of the self. Man is more than what it once was; man can be God. At least, some men are God.

The keyword is of course some. When God began to give more, man took advantage of the situation and some would be Gods, demigods, or God’s servants; others would continue in that state of poverty. It might stand to say that once God, in the sense of geographic location, gave more, humans became more selfish, more individualistic, more capable of opressing fellow men.

Nevertheless, in the Middle East, nature’s destructive force of drought and famine was still rampant, and man would return to that former state, from time to time.

Man continued moving and growing.

Europe and Asia were another step up. God, again being in part geographical location, gives more. Man repeats the same equation: increased sense of self; more division of people into the Godly like and the non-Godly like.

Until finally, man has such a grasp and hold on nature’s man-killing and man-opressive force, that man becomes capable of these other activities, activities which are also part of that Godly like section of people. Arts, science, industrial movements, and the like are part of activities which are more afluent when man has that extra time, or when man has more energy with a full stomach and three meals a day.

Man continued moving and growing.

Man continued to divide and divide itself into the Godly and the poor. First Europe and Asia experimented with this; later Europe transposed the model to the Americas, further increasing the dynamic.

The same patterns continued, although in different forms. In one time, one might say the West was dominant in the world; now perhaps it is the global North which dominates and opresses the global south.

The more God gave, the more man looked to itself as the only important thing in the world. The more God gave, the more that man began to live in an unnatural manner. The more God gave, more variability in richness and excessiveness and poverty and misery came.

Imagine that there is a rich man and woman with children, and that the parents are God and their children are mankind.

If we assume that the rich parents give their children lots of presents and spoil them, do the children not developed a heightened and excessive sense of self? Is being “spoiled rotten” inevitable? Perhaps not, but it certainly seems likely.

Such could be the case with mankind. A small percentage of mankind has been spoiled, spoiled to the point of being destructive to its own creator.

It will only be time before God’s other side, the side that takes away, is shown again.

To follow the analogy, in the future there may not be any capability (at least for many in the world) to “spoil” mankind with “presents” and other delights. Might we return to the original African “lifestyle”?

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Two Separate Worlds, continued

Enrique Garcia is an ex-minister of the Bolivian economy. Not to take information out of context or anything, but he notes that between 133 countries measured for their competitive capacity in the international market (lower numbers being better), Argentina is 80, Chile is 30, and Colombia and Peru have advanced down the ladder remarkably. The point being made by this economist is that of course, these other countries are great examples that Argentina should follow. Hmmm...lets see...Peru has a TLC\FTA free trade agreement, Colombia's is pending, and Chile has one as well...
On another point, Latin America stands at an average of 66 out of 133 for intnl competition. Symbolically I see the region balanced on a teeder todder, ready to go either way, either towards less international competitive capacity or more...
So, to develop and be part of that international thing, Argentina should do this -

1. (with a governmental\media\public sound to it) "Argentina should open up its barriers to international investment such as to promote economic growth, augment GDP, and improve social conditions by reducing poverty and unemployment rates..."

2. (the reality) "Argentina should allow foreign companies to come into its country, screw up the environment, take a large amount (if not all) of the resources, pay small percentages of royalties to the country and to the employed, displacing people from the countryside and forcing them to live in crowded slums and to fight everyday for low wages which don't provide a dignified living, such that the government may engorge its budget and that the Wall Street Readers (and its equivalents in all of the world's countries) be happy when they see that the lines on the graph are going up and not down, while enjoying a glass of wine which provides no nutritional value whatsoever, that came from land that could have been used to feed the hungry"

Argentina and a lot of other countries could go that way. For many it does seem to provide a better standard of living. But for the rest, it's anything but natural.

Perhaps we should just go backwards while maintaining what good modernity has provided us: health care, education, some entertainment? Who knows. Maybe it's all gone to hell.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Yanquis, Gringos, and Invasive species

Find yourself in Argentina and you'll no longer be gringo: you are a yanqui, like those crazy Northerners and their factories and like them baseball players. Gringos are now Italian immigrants, making up the largest population of well, any ethnic population in Argentina, followed by Spaniards.
It's funny to be called a yanqui. It almost doesn't even sound that bad. If I was from the south, would I want them to call me a confederate? Or a vaquero cowboy? or a Canuck?

And yes, about those invasive species... goodlooking trees, which we call evergreens and paradise and all that jazz, are killing of native species in Cordoba and much of South America... and they don't offer much in the way of fruit or anything of the sort. I found this quite comparable to white man coming over the seas and killing off the local indigenous people - we came to an alien environment in which we mostly did not adapt well to but rather adapted it to our needs. And we don't offer much to Pachamama... we just build cities and grow and grow...who knows how to farm anymore? Who knows how to use local plants and herbs to survive? Not too many people. Quite the plague we are.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Lets not have suggestive headlines or anything...

Iran has underground missiles! They are testing! Narggg! Sayeth the defense secretary. Doesn't this sound familiar? Do they have weapons of mass propaganda (oops, I mean destruction) or is that our own country? Hmmm...
Maybe a true headline would read as follows:
Iran is no longer selling us cheap oil! America will not stand for this! Justice and freedom and democracy demand it! They are bad guys!
Or perhaps like this:
Defense secretary receives a stickit! yellow memo which says plan B: just like Iraq and Afghanistan again, you know the drill...

Granted, the actual headlines could very well be true... but it's likely that there is more than meets the chub with this flabbergastiness...