Saturday, October 31, 2009

Yanquis, Gringos, and Invasive species

Find yourself in Argentina and you'll no longer be gringo: you are a yanqui, like those crazy Northerners and their factories and like them baseball players. Gringos are now Italian immigrants, making up the largest population of well, any ethnic population in Argentina, followed by Spaniards.
It's funny to be called a yanqui. It almost doesn't even sound that bad. If I was from the south, would I want them to call me a confederate? Or a vaquero cowboy? or a Canuck?

And yes, about those invasive species... goodlooking trees, which we call evergreens and paradise and all that jazz, are killing of native species in Cordoba and much of South America... and they don't offer much in the way of fruit or anything of the sort. I found this quite comparable to white man coming over the seas and killing off the local indigenous people - we came to an alien environment in which we mostly did not adapt well to but rather adapted it to our needs. And we don't offer much to Pachamama... we just build cities and grow and grow...who knows how to farm anymore? Who knows how to use local plants and herbs to survive? Not too many people. Quite the plague we are.